EGM INSPIRATIONS - Engage | Inspire
The EGM INSPIRATIONS podcast was born with a vision to lift the brokenhearted. We provide thought-provoking podcasts inspired by the word of God and will push you to pursue the full life Jesus Christ has promised you. Tune in to experience a definite word of healing and renewal. You will not be disappointed.
EGM INSPIRATIONS - Engage | Inspire
No one like our God
Often, my heart is filled with gratitude to the Lord for giving me the incredible privilege to become His child. Did it ever occur to your mind about the wideness of the reality that we are the children of the one and true living God? We have access to Him at any time! Wow, just that privilege itself is enough for us to praise and thank God in all the days of our lives.
My human words cannot describe God in its fullness. He is beyond my words and thoughts.